Stuck in a soul sucking job while your career falls apart?

Our FREE report reveals how to navigate your mid-career transition as little as 21 days.

Even if you have no idea where to start!

Hi, I’m Therese Toohey and I’m excited to share with you my proven career change advice and leadership strategies to find and secure your fulfilling career, without the overwhelm. It’s time to enjoy your work, discover and unlock your unique contribution to the world, and create the meaningful career you deserve.

Mid-life career change

6 Secret hacks to deliver your dream job in your 30s and 40s

In this exclusive report we’ll reveal:

The reasons why so many professional women struggle to find career fulfilment no matter how many jobs they chase!

Why you should NEVER trust people who tell you stay where you are, ‘It’s secure,’ and what you should do instead to achieve career prosperity.

Find a meaningful career that lights you up. Get career direction so you can navigate change with confidence.

And much, much more!


Make no mistake, your career is a vehicle. It’s the expression for you to live on purpose, with courage, and with passion. Crafting your very own meaningful career, one you can truly own, opens you up to living more fully and freely.

You deserve to love what you do for a living.

Download our FREE report and save yourself years of ‘hoping things will work out’

Career progression requires action.

Action = transformation.

The first step to accelerating your career and finding a meaningful job is to be crystal clear about your goals and core values.

Learn how to make your move.

  • We’ll reveal what’s REALLY happening behind the scenes preventing career success. And how to overcome the challenge of why it seems so much harder to find a career full of meaning and purpose, one that ‘makes a difference’ in today’s uncertain and ever-changing world.

  • We’ve used these 6 expert secrets to accelerate the results for our clients so they can unlock their greatest potential, amplify their impact & finally gain control over their futures – now YOU can do the same! Your new career transition is just around the corner.

  • Climbing the corporate ladder is always the best. Right? Wrong! 9/10 times it’s up against the wrong wall! We’ll show you why choosing promotions and money in exchange for happiness is a recipe for burnout, not a path to long-term fulfilment. It’s time to be creative and bold to achieve your dream career.

  • This important piece of the career planning puzzle is crucial! Develop the right mindset to help you build strength and resilience while minimising doubt. This all-important piece of the puzzle is crucial to the mindset you must develop & the actions you must take; without it, any career change ideas and planning is doomed to failure – make sure you have this at all costs!

  • This is the number 1 thing many career professionals get wrong when they consider changing jobs or making a career switch. Please, never EVER do this on your journey to a better career. We see it all the time and it could leave you disillusioned, lost & confused – even worse, wasting years of your working life.

What are waiting for?

Get instant access to this FREE Career Change guide now!

At Professional Freedom, we help mid-career professionals…

Therese has helped countless people find true motivation and career direction through a renewed sense of meaning and purpose.

Women in their 30s and 40s regularly achieve their desired outcomes in the shortest time possible. In the last 18 years, we’ve shown hundreds of brilliant women, just like you, how to get back on the meaningful career track.

Our Founding Director, Therese Toohey, M Ed (Leadership), B Ed (Psychology), is a passionate and transformative facilitator, career consultant and professional career coach. Therese has helped countless people find true motivation through a renewed sense of meaning and purpose. We can do the same for you too.

Can’t wait another minute to transition from where you are now to where you want to be?

The Professional Freedom Program is a personalised 6 week facilitated intensive Career Coaching Program specifically designed to help you find the ideal career – for you; one that is completely aligned with who you are, your personal values and your unique contribution.