What Aspect of Self-Compassion Do I Need Right Now?

By delving into the various dimensions of self-compassion, including its gentle (yin) and assertive (yang) qualities, we can gain insight into which aspects are most relevant in our current circumstances. This understanding enables us to effectively incorporate self-compassion into our everyday experiences.

  1. Yin (Tender) Attributes: Comforting, Soothing, Validating

    • Offering oneself kindness and understanding in moments of failure or pain.

    • Recognising our shared humanity in the experience of suffering.

    • Practicing mindfulness in acknowledging and accepting emotions without judgment.

  2. Yang (Fierce) Attributes: Protecting, Providing, Motivating

    • Standing up for oneself and setting healthy boundaries.

    • Taking decisive action to change harmful situations or habits.

    • Advocating for one's needs and pursuing personal growth and happiness.

In our Professional Freedom program, we explore the intricate facets of self-compassion, embracing both its tender nurturing and fierce empowerment. By navigating these dimensions, our participants gain profound insights into what aspect of self-compassion they might need in various situations.

Reach out if you’d like to know more.


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