Finding Meaning in Your Career is More Than Just a Buzzword…

A sense of meaning in our careers provides a deeper connection to our work, enhances our well-being, and contributes to a more positive and productive work environment. It is a fundamental aspect of finding fulfilment and satisfaction in our professional lives.

Motivation and Engagement: Having a clear sense of purpose and meaning provides intrinsic motivation. When you understand how your contributions aligns with broader goals and values, you are more likely to be engaged and committed to your work.

Job Satisfaction: Meaningful work tends to correlate with higher job satisfaction. When you see the significance of your efforts and how you contribute to a larger purpose, you are more likely to find fulfilment in your role.

Resilience: A sense of meaning can contribute to greater resilience in the face of challenges. When you understand the purpose behind your work, you are more likely to persevere through difficulties and setbacks.

Personal Growth: Meaningful work often involves continuous learning and personal development. If you find purpose in your career you are more likely to seek out opportunities for growth and improvement.

Positive Impact: Deriving a sense of meaning from your work has a positive impact on others. Knowing that your effort makes a difference can be a powerful source of fulfilment.

Health and Well-being: Meaningful work has been linked to improved mental health and overall well-being. When you feel your work is meaningful, you are less likely to experience burnout and more likely to experience a sense of fulfilment.

Team Cohesion: In a workplace where individuals share a sense of purpose and meaning, there is often greater cohesion among team members. This shared understanding can foster collaboration and a positive work environment.

Activity to help you find meaning:

Meaning & Photos


In this exercise, you are going to take time to recognise and appreciate things that matter most to you in life.

1.      Over the next week, take photographs of things that make your life feel meaningful or full of purpose. These can be photographs of people, objects, places, pets, and the like. If you are not able to take photos of these things—for instance, because they are not nearby—you can take photos of reminders, souvenirs, websites, or even other photos. Try to take at least nine photographs.

2.     At the end of the week, if you used a digital camera or your phone’s camera, upload your photos to a computer. If you used a non-digital camera, have your photos developed.

3.     Once you have collected all your photos and items, take the time to look at and reflect on each one. For each photo, write down a response to the following question:

a.     What does this photo represent, and why is it meaningful? 

4.     If your photos are digital, create a slide show and add some music if you like.

Revisit regularly for that boost of energy.

Adapted from: Michael Steger (Ph.D.)


Picture This…


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