I’m not just a job description…
Your worth as a human being doesn't come from external sources; it's an internal essence. Deep within, you possess boundless potential, and unlike machines (yet!), you hold the power to shape your own destiny.
Far too often, people gauge their self-esteem by comparing themselves to others or equating it solely with financial success. However, decades of research consistently reveals that monetary rewards aren't as motivating as engaging in work that aligns with your personal values and beliefs.
Salary should be viewed as an expectation rather than the primary driving force.
Some individuals have been conditioned to incessantly measure themselves against others, leading them to shift their self-identity from within to external opinions and rankings. In this process, they lose their unique identity, akin to a form of "identity theft." As a result, their potential to bring something distinct to the table is hampered because they've downplayed the inherent value that makes them unique.
“What should my contribution be?”
We’ve been conditioned to ask, "What's my job description?" Perhaps in the current VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world we need to be demanding a different question such as: "What should my contribution be?"
This shift represents a new and transformative aspect of human history. Traditionally, tasks were predefined, and most individuals operated as subordinates following orders.
In a VUCA world, merely following a job description can quickly render you irrelevant (and dissatisfied). Your job description becomes obsolete as soon as it's written. To remain valuable, and engaged, you must continually adapt to your organisation's evolving challenges.
Having a conventional mindset means you’ll be viewing yourself as a tool for others. In contrast, embracing a VUCA world mindset demands viewing yourself as a problem solver with a unique skill set.
By applying your unique strengths to address significant challenges, you're not just a job description; you're a proactive, creative individual with limitless potential. You can harness your strengths to make a distinctive contribution.
This shift is fundamental, differentiating between passivity and taking responsibility for the future.